Thursday, July 18, 2013

Florence Roseborough 6-17-2013

Florence Roseborough was born in Colorado City, Texas. Her father worked as a cotton broker, which supported the small family during the Depression but meant they moved frequently all around the western United States. Florence attended Southern Methodist University, where she worked as a secretary. She then was employed by the Magnolia Petroleum Company, during which time she met her husband William Daniel Roseborough Jr.

William Daniel, a Navy engineer, was eventually stationed in Washington, DC. The family bought two houses for the price of one in Vienna, and spent many years renovating the larger. During her time in the Town, Florence became the president of the Ayr Hill Garden Club, and was very active in Town planning and zoning issues. Both her and her husband often attended Town Council meetings. She recounts the enormous change Vienna has undergone over the years, which admittedly left her feeling "shocked."

Early Life, Mother's Book Club, Father's Occupation as a Cotton Broker

Life During the Depression, Buying her First House at age 20, Tuition and Monthly Pay Rates

Old Vienna Businesses--Pharmacies, Safeway Grocery Store, Worthington's

Old Vienna Restaurants--Rolling Road and Freddy's

Vienna's First Halloween Parade

Momma and Poppa Duck

The Fight Against the Yeonas Company's Neon Sign

The Pig Story: The Roseboroughs' First Experience at a Vienna Town Council Meeting

The Ayr Hill Garden Club

Better Homes and Gardens Magazine's More Beautiful America Contest

Tyson's Corner's Rural Beginnings

Change in Vienna

Interview conducted by Caroline Gardiner, Virginia Harness, and Nancy Moats